Monday, December 21, 2009

Time Management

Sure, CashCrate and other GPT sites may not be the traditional definition of "jobs," but that doesn't mean you're not on the clock while using them. No, not their clock, your own clock!

To optimize your experience with CashCrate, think about setting a timer and a goal of completing so many offers in that time period. While this may sound like a game, you can give yourself a better idea of how much you're really making on an hourly basis.

For example, I set a 20 minute timer and make a goal of completing $3.00 in offers. Usually I fall short of that goal, but it's a start. If you find which offers work for you and set a schedule for yourself, you can easily make $10-12/hour just for completing online offers.

Personally, I have a schedule of completing offers, blogging, and promoting. If you only stay on CashCrate trying to complete offers and never get referrals then you're missing the real money-making opportunity that CashCrate provides. Devote some time to acquiring referrals! Start a blog! Sure, you may not have the instant gratification of making 50 cents, but it will pay off in the long run.

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